Experts in high-tech applications
for insurance and healthcare.

We offer solutions and services for data processing, compliance management, product distribution, third-party administration and the implementation of
innovative services.
almerys would like to thank all those who attended the 31st Congrès Réavie for their visit in suite #138! The next event will take place from October 11 to 13, 2023, in Cannes.
“be-almerys develops innovative solutions from a position of absolute neutrality and integrity to protect its customers' data assets.”
Our solutions
Our clients
Our partners
+ more than 2,000 employees
"almerys offers a scalable infrastructure to ensure robust management of information flows and is integrated with all market solutions."
including nearly
400 in France
including nearly
400 in France
"almerys offers a scalable infrastructure to ensure robust management of information flows and is integrated with all market solutions."
+more than 2,000
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